What is Your Business's Most Critical Priority?

Clean Gas Extinguishing System

Nowadays, gas extinguishing systems are preferred more frequently than classical extinguishing systems due to their effectiveness in extinguishing fire. No need for cleaning, short downtime and no damage to the devices are the main reasons for preference.

Each of the clean gases (HFC-125, HFC-227ea, FK 5-1-12, and inert gases) has its own benefits.


HFC-125 is the most cost-effective system. It requires 10% less gas usage than the FM-200 system and 30% less gas usage than the FK 5-1-12 system.

Environmental Impact;

While HFC-125 and HFC-227ea have a GWP value of 3000, this value of FK 5-1-12 is 1. If environmental impacts come first for your business, FK 5-1-12 is a suitable solution for you.

Design Flexibility;

Since inert gases are stored in high-pressure cylinders, they can be transported to longer distances via piping. Options such as keeping the cylinders in a single location and protecting multiple facilities with a single system provide design flexibility to the inert gas extinguishing system.

Elva is always happy to support you in choosing the right gas extinguishing system according to your needs.

Please contact us for more detailed information.

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